Saturday, 30 November 2013


She is so sad
She is so lost
She has been feeling like a ghost

Mid-day thought
Mid-day break
There are so much she cannot take

Wishes for everybody happiness
Hiding in her beautiful darkness
But she is drowning in her sadness
She is being driven to madness

She is so lost
She is so sad
She is in a world feels so mad

She is learning from her past
That there nothing will ever last
Having to move on is a must

It's useless to be sane
Attached to such pain
Just go and call their name
Maybe dance under the rain

She's running in circles
She's sick of this circus

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Rose Road

  • She passed through the rose road

    Trying to escape the doom mood

    Wondering about bad and good

    She waited for the man with hood

  • The rain has fallen over her dress

    Thinking about this unbearable mess

    Where she has been ever like this

    She always dreamed of hug and kiss

    Loving him was such a bless

    He gave her a magical ring

    She started to dance and swing

    Then appeared her white wing

    The sky snowed and she started to sing

    She had a kind heart and that was her thing

Sunday, 17 November 2013

عن أن تكون إنسان ..

عنْ الأيامِ الخاويّة
عنْ الأوراقِ مِنْ الدفَاتر المُتهاويّة
و عنْ الأصوات المُتعالية
و عنْ الوقوف على حَفة الهاويّة

عنْ طول الإنتظار 
عنْ عجيب الأقدار
عنْ الوجع و الحنين
عن البُسطاء الرائعيّن
و عنْ الغُرباء العَابرين
عنْ الأحبة المَفقودين

عنْ الكثير مِنْ الصَمْت
عنْ فلسلفة المَوت
عنْ تنفُس الحُب
عنْ صديّق الدَرب
عنْ الفراشات
و عنْ الرقص في الطُرقات

عنْ زَخات المَطر
عنْ جَمَال السَحر
عنْ المُحال
و عنْ راحة البال
و عنْ الحقيقة و الخيّال

عنْ تصديّق الأسَاطير
و عنْ مملكةٍ و أمير
و عنْ توقعْ الكثير
عنْ المشاعر المُختَطلة
و عنْ الرسائل المُحتَرِقة
و عنْ الأحزان المُشترَكة

عنْ اللهفة و الإشتيّاق
و عنْ الإحتراق بعد الفراق
و عنْ الحنيّن الممزوج بلوعة الحِرمان
عنْ أن تكون إنْسان