Saturday 27 July 2013

The Shell

Back again to my shell
Away from crowds hell
You ask if I love you  ?
I say I do & I always will

When life get undone
Dance with me and be the one
Catch the stars and touch the sun

When sadness comes and fill my day
Take my hands and make me sway
With that soft music take me away
Away from blues
Away from news
Away from summer dooms

Embrace me and tell me hush
When the world burn and crush
Give me tender smile and warm touch
Tell me words that make me blush
This why I love you much

Monday 15 July 2013

To Mr Someday Scene no 4

I feel I'm not able to write
Though I need to
Even in the darkest night
You're the light who came through
When nothing seems to be right
You're the one I belong to
This how I won the fight
This is how I show my love to you

It's maybe an odd way
It's maybe 18th century style
But through the darkest days
Can we dream for while
When our hearts say hi
My heart beats smile

This is something I don't want you  to  read
This is to be felt indeed
For you the most adorable poems were made
For you the most lovable quotes were said
For you the dust of sadness will fade 

Sunday 14 July 2013

I believe ..

this not a poetry so feel relived 
this about the things I believe 

I believe in God the almighty one
I believe in prophets and I love them all 
I believe in love 
I believe in the power of love 
I believe there are no absolute evil in human beings nor absolute good , Even the worst sinner can be the best worshiper one day .
I believe in dreams 
I believe in miracles 
I believe in fairy tales
I believe that in the worst place , you can find beauty "seek and ye shall find " 
I believe is the best is yet to come , "though I look pessimistic sometimes "
I believe in fantasy and supernatural creatures .
I believe in friendship 
I believe that eyes are the window to the soul 
I believe in inner beauty that matters million times than outside look ( pretty minds and hearts are away captivating than looks ) 
I believe in the charm of books 
I believe that :"Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks "
I believe in hope  , happy endings , good will always prevail  ..

PS : I believe in you :)

Tuesday 9 July 2013

أم الشهيد

تبدأ في لم أغراضه .. لتوزيعها على الفقراء ..
تدمع عياناها ..
تكفكف دمعها ..
تذكر نفسها بأنها قوية ..
و أن الصابرون يوفون أجرهم بغير حساب ...
تتذكر فرحتها الأولى به ..
تتذكر عيد ميلاده الأول و الثاني و العشرين ..
تتذكر ضحكاته و نكاته و لعبه ....
تتذكر أحلامه و أحلامها له ...
تخونها ذاكرتها سهواً .. فتناديه ..
تجلس في غرفته .. تحتضن وسادته و تبكيه ....
تنام على سريره ...
تستيقظ من نومها فزعة ..
تبحث عياناها عنه في كل ركن علّها تجده ..
تستوحش تلك الفجوة التي تركها رحيله ...
و تدرك أنه لن يسد هذا الفراغ أحداً بعده ...
تتذكر كم كان عنيداً ...
ربما كان محقاً في رأيه .. أو لا ...
لا تهتم هي ...
فتلعن السياسة و الساسة ومن قتلوه ..
تكره كل من أحلوا الدم و أباحوه ..
و تدعي أن تنزل يستكيّن قلبها ...

Thursday 4 July 2013

Can't Smile Without You ..

She closed her eyes 
He wiped her tears away 
He knew that tension 
Stole her smile today 
She looked at his eyes 
Music started to play 
He took her hands 
And with rhythm 
They started to sway
She got her smile back
With small touch he made her day 
He looked at her and started to say :
 "You know I cant smile without you ...
I can't laugh and I can't sing

I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you ♥ "

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Unfinished Poem ...

A little prayer to be said 
For a pure heart it was made
Who loves unicorns and mermaids .

Words and words surrounded with them .
Unfinished poems , where I should begin .
Cant find the words I'm lost without the rhythm . 
Confused with the vortex within .

I always said that I am dreamy one .
I always believed that there are the one .
But how come the moon fall for the sun .

I wont think about it , I will let go .
My words wont make the expected show .
The silence will speak if they only knew .

I stared at the sky waiting for a sign
Maybe a blooming moon or a star to shine
I close my eyes , my heart says all shall be fine .

This's may be not my best .
I don't care , I am not in test .
I will leave to God the rest .

Leave out the rest :)